Give him a chance…

“Give him a chance,” you say.

“Give him a chance” means forgetting every single thing he’s done up to this point– his bankruptcies, his lawsuits, his stiffing of vendors, his bamboozling of shareholders, his avoidance of taxes, his defrauding of students, his so-called charitable donations, his constant lying.

“Give him a chance” means you ignore that he owes his victory in large part to aid by a hostile foreign power and STILL couldn’t get a plurality of the votes.

“Give him a chance” means you pretend that he didn’t alert allies and enemies that America may ignore its NATO pledges.

“Give him a chance” means you forget that he remains committed to a religious test for the rights of citizenship.

“Give him a chance” means you shouldn’t mind that he’s a confessed serial sexual assailant.

“Give him a chance” means it’s no big deal that the new administration is already developing fraternal ties to fascists in Europe and America.

“Give him a chance” means that it doesn’t matter that the president-elect owes hundreds of millions to the Bank of China, along with uncounted and unknown foreign entities across the globe.

“Give him a chance” means his tax returns might be completely on the up-and-up, despite being under continuous IRS audits for decades.

“Give him a chance” means it’s cool that black, brown, & Muslim fellow citizens have been demeaned and feel terrified.

“Give him a chance” means you fail to do basic arithmetic when we look at his budget plans.

“Give him a chance” means you hope that pro-Trump trolls will cease bullying women into silencing themselves on social media.

“Give him a chance” means Israel should keep handing over intelligence to the US, because there’s no chance Trump will turn it over to the Russians, who in turn won’t give it to Israel’s enemies.

“Give him a chance” means you let him have time to figure out how to use the office of President of the United States for his personal gain, because it’s only fair to give would-be kleptocrats a head start before we act to stop them.

“Give him a chance” means you think 70-year-old narcissists often suddenly become better people when we tell them they are actually important and hold the power of life and death over every living being on the planet.

“Give him a chance” means you give cancer a chance, because we won’t have insurance for health care.

“Give him a chance” means you have time to waste.

“Give him a chance” means you don’t want to admit you already know how he’s going to be.

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